Hi everyone! I’m a couple of weeks late (oops!), but I wanted to pop in and mention the re-release of my Olympics short story! Into the Deep was originally part of the Going for Gold anthology released by MLR Press in 2012. Now it’s available for the first time as an individual ebook! yay!
I’ve made some minor edits and have a spiffy new cover created by the lovely Cate Ashwood. Otherwise, though, the story is substantially the same as that found in the anthology. If you have a chance to check it out, I do hope you enjoy it!
Speaking of Cate Ashwood…we’ve been co-writing a project and recently submitted it for consideration. It’s a lovely novel that’s mostly contemporary, but has a good dose of urban fantasy (and magic!) sprinkled in. Cross your fingers we hear good news!
This was my first experience co-writing, and it was seriously awesome. Cate is so much fun to work with, and I’m very proud of the story we created. We’re working on the sequel now, and it’s just as invigorating and inspiring of a project as the first one!
I do have a couple of WIPs percolating, but I’m finding co-writing so much fun. Maybe that’ll be my jam this year. ;)
Anyway, that’s what’s new with me. Hope you all are doing well! <3
Nico ♥
You can find Into the Deep for $1.99 at these ebook retailers:
That’s exciting news, *fingers crossed* on the project with Cate Ashford. It sounds good, I’ll be looking for the good news.
Awww, thanks! <3 I hope we have some good news soon. :)